How to beat the holiday weight gain

diwali-sweet-2The festival season starts from the month of October . Starting from Durga Puja to New Year’s Eve – there is a celebration almost every fifteen days. Festivals have become synonymous with food . Research has proved that an average person gains close to seven pounds during the holiday season .

It could have taken months of hard work and dietary changes to lose those extra pounds .All those parties, office gatherings and family outings become centered on food . Everyone is cooking desserts, entertaining with cocktails –the result is –everybody gains weight. A study states that people find it nearly impossible to lose the holiday weight .

This holiday season could a little different ,  if you plan ahead.

If you are in the process of losing weight –it will be very difficult to lose any more during these months  –but you could focus on maintaining the weight . Maintaining weight is a mammoth task –in fact sometimes it is easier to lose weight , but, extremely difficult to maintain it.

Small steps towards maintaining it

  1. Bump up your exercise

It would be a good idea to either increase the intensity of the workout or the hours you put towards exercise . The day after the Thanksgiving Day –instead of shopping for Black Friday deals-make this year different by doing an extremely hard workout. Both your wallet and body will feel better .


  1. Eat in moderation

Even if the dinner table is filled with delicious ,but , sugar and fat laden foods-you don’t have to eat it all . Make a rule that you will try only one thing and eat a small portion of it . That small plate could also be high in calories. Count the calories-know the food that you pack in . For e.g. one gulab jamun packs 200 calories with little or no nutrition.


  1. Drink sensibly

Drinks especially cocktails are very high in calories. Choose wine instead of scotch –it’s lighter in calories. Volunteer to be the designated driver-and no one will be forcing you to drink. Most people have no idea about the calories or the size of a drink. Did you know that 1.5 oz. of vodka or scotch is one serving of the drink and has about 100 calories.


  1. Eat a snack before heading out for a party

Remember to eat a protein snack before you hit the party. It will serve two purposes. One  you will be aware that you are trying to maintain your weight and secondly you will not overeat at the party.

  1. Holiday season -7 servings of fruits and vegetables

During this holiday season try eating more vegetables and fruits than usual. It will be a key to maintaining weight.


To sum it up, eat and drink sensibly and move more than usual . January 1, 2014-you will be proud of yourself. Happy Holidays !


 Written by Suchitra Sharma



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