The Face of Terrorism

The White Widow


Samantha Louise Lewthwaite, born and raised as a Christian, converted to become a Muslim at the age of 17 is one of the deadliest terrorist alive today.

Media has called her the “The White Widow” after her husband Lindsey committed suicide bombing on London’s train. She chose to become a Muslim, when her Irish parents divorced. She was devastated by the divorce and found solace in Muslim religion because of their strong emphasis to familial bondings.


To call her story interesting is not doing justice. Her story is beyond someone’s imagination;  it’s like a TV drama similar to “Homeland” playing.

She had met her husband Germaine Lindsay in one of Islamic chat rooms and had soon got married in October,2002 in Ayelsbury , UK.

Her husband, Lindsey blew himself up as part of 7/7/2005 Al Qaeda bombing in London.


 1380047995731.cachedLewthwaite had publicly condemned her husband and said that she had no knowledge of her husband’s involvement in terrorist activities. Lewthwaite was pregnant with second child and their first was only 14 months old. She even sold her sad, painful story to the UK newspaper “The Sun” for 30,000 pounds.  Her exact words were “I totally condemn and am horrified by the atrocities. I am the wife of Germaine Lindsay, and never predicted or imagined that he was involved in such horrific activities. He was a loving husband and father. I am trying to come to terms with the recent events. My whole world has fallen apart, and my thoughts are with the families of the victims of this incomprehensible devastation.”


She is suspected to have moved from London to Kenya in 2008.Lewthwaitepix


Lewthwaite is an alleged member of the Somalia-based radical Islamic militant group Al-Shabaab. She has been accused of orchestrating grenade attacks at non-Muslim places of worship, and is believed to have been behind an attack on those watching football in a bar in Mombasa during Euro 2012. In September 2013, there was speculation over her possible involvement in the Westgate shopping mall attack, although other reports cast doubt on this.


Documentarian Adam Wishart has spent the last year trying to find Samantha Lewthwaite because he wishes to make a film on her.



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