How you sleep says a lot about you

Which Sleeping Position is the Best for You?

You spend about 1/3 of your life sleeping– are you sleeping the right way that facilitates the best sleep possible? Are you waking up stiff with neck and shoulder pain every morning? What is the best position for sleep that will place the least stress on your neck and lower back area? Well a lot has to do with the position that you sleep in. Studies have been done that show that your sleeping position says a lot about your personality. You can sleep on your back, on your side or on your stomach. What is the best and what is the worst sleeping position? Well let’s discuss the 3 sleeping positions and how each affects you:


  • Sleeping on Your Back
    Sleeping on your back is great position for sleeping because you can sleep in a position that support your head and neck and lower back area. To combat any type of lower back stiffness or discomfort, sleep with a few pillows or a wedge, such as a knee elevator, under your knees for optimal comfort. If you use a cervical support neck pillow, such as the cervical traction neck pillow, you can allow your head and neck to be in the correct position where there is least stress placed on your cervical spine. This position of sleeping on your back with a cervical support pillow for the neck and positioning wedge for your lower back is the least stressful for your body. Keep in mind that you may start in this position, but for most people they move around during the night time.
  • Sleeping on Your Side
    This is a popular position for sleeping for many people. There is a natural tendency to sleep on ones side after starting out on your back. When sleeping on your side make sure your pillow has enough support in it to keep your shoulders relaxed at. If your pillow is too low, your head will be tilting down, and if it is too high your head will be stretched uncomfortably –both of which can be very uncomfortable. That is why having a cervical support pillow that is properly sized is a good idea. The Linear Gravity Neck Pillow comes in 3 sizes- small, med and large to accomodate different sizes and frams. To make this side sleeping position even more comfortable and least stress on your body, place a pillow in between the knees that keeps your legs hip width apart. This will properly support your lower back area.
  • Sleeping on Your Stomach
    By far, the worst sleeping position is on your stomach. Not only does it place extra stress on your cervical spine and upper back area, but it also places stress on your stomach muscles. Sleeping on stomach means your head and neck are going to be turned to one side (so that you can breathe) for a prolonged period of time, which can create stiffness by the morning. It puts strain on the cervical paraspinals and levator scapulae muscles.

Most people start sleeping in one way at the beginning of the night and shift to another position in the middle of the night. The best position for sleeping is the position that you are most comfortable in. So if you are one that snores and sleeping on your back increases that, your significant other will most likely suggest that you sleep on your side. Also, if you do sleep on your stomach and are trying to prevent that, sleep with a pillow to your side that will stop you from rolling onto your stomach. Remember, sleep is when your body heals and regenerates- find a position that is most comfortable for you to get the best sleep possible at night.

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4 thoughts on “How you sleep says a lot about you

    1. So many times we think that the neck pain /stiff neck is because of exercise or ….but i have realized that sleeping position is the top most reason for a stiff neck…

  1. Nice article &full of knowledge but needs some modifications. Can I send some articles. Iam a doctor by profession and have an experience as an online medical writer.nu00a0

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