Written by BEN GRUBER FOR REUTERS A new electronic drug capsule engineered to deliver medications directly to the colon could potentially offer a more effective and cheaper option for treating people […]
Join the Happy Feet club of Naperville to get in shape and meet friends
The Happy Feet Walker’s Club was founded by friends for friends. Their mission is to give the members support toward developing and maintaining daily physical activity in a fun way while developing […]
NASA study pays $18K to lie in bed for 70 days
Nasa is offering to pay $18000 to participants for a clinical trial that requires the participants to stay in bed for 70 days. The participants will have to be […]
Mrs. Kumari Shibulal- Making a Difference in the Society
When I got a call to attend a charity dinner, I was skeptical. I thought it might be just another charity, members and attendees would discuss all and sundry and […]
Still possible to catch measles at Disney Parks
Five Disneyland workers contracted measles at the Anaheim park, including two employees who had vaccinations, health officials said Tuesday, as the number of confirmed cases in the on-going outbreak rose […]
5 foods that cut belly fat
Belly fat, potbelly, abdominal fat, or medically called as central obesity is a cause for many illnesses. From cardiovascular diseases to Alzheimer’s, belly fat –whether visceral or subcutaneous easily is […]
90-year-Old arrested for feeding the homeless
Cities are increasingly getting tough on food distribution programs for the homeless. According to the Sun Sentinel, a 90-year-old activist and two pastors from two churches in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., were […]